So Wildstar is officially out and I took my first steps on the planet Nexus, the main planet where the game takes place. I planned from the start to have a Granok - Warrior as my first and most likely main character when starting this game.
So far I've gotten up to level 17 with my character and I'm loving it. As a settler I can build all sorts of upgrades to the environment that give myself, and anyone who visits my area in the short while after, stat boosts that make it easier for us to take on the PVE mobs. I love the challenges, but unfortunately as I'm playing with a 100 others who have been dying to try this game, there aren't much opportunities for me to get the kills/points I need to win them. That said they are definitely fun.
One of the main selling points of the game for me was the Housing plot. As soon as I reached the capital the first thing I did was find the housing specialist and pick up my housing plot. I even put up a simple Granok house to start off. It seems to me that the whole housing mechanic will be a huge gold sink, but a very addictive one.
The only bad part about this game is that my graphics card ( Radeon 7690m XT) isn't quite compatible with the game as I'm getting all sorts of flickering effects on the screen. That said it isn't too bad and I'm able to play quite well on the lower settings.
Basically this post is to let the world know that Wildstar is an awesome game, that I am currently in addicted to. I did join an RP server with RP in mind so my next post will be a profile of my character Kaladar Stonehaven and his endeavor to setup Stonehaven Construction Co. -Nexus Branch.
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